3-Minute Thesis Qut finalist 2021

I was delighted to represent QUT as the finalist for the 3-minute thesis international competition.

Visualise your Thesis Qut runner up 2020

I was delighted to represent QUT as the finalist for the 3-minute thesis international competition.

Co-Authored in a book Chapter:

Inception of Perception—Augmented Reality in Virtual Reality: Prototyping Human–Machine Interfaces for Automated Driving, written by Michael Gerber and Supervised by Ronald Schroeter

Automotive Ui '21 adjunct abstract submition

An Anthropological Study Designed to Understand the Essence of Intention Sharing Between Drivers and Passengers.

Certified V-Ray Professional 2020

I worked with the V-ray render engine for more than 7 years and thought it was about time I went through an official certification process.