Step 1: Create scene and assets

First, we create the first scene and inside create a UI --> text object. It will ask a bunch of questions then we can say necessary import assets which I did.

That was the menu name so I put it in the centre

Similarly, i created a button and adjusted it

remember the text is a separate object

Here is what the button looks like

Step 2: Scripting

Here I selected the button

Then in the right panel I pressed add component.

Chose New script and named it NavigateMenu.cs

I deleted all the void stuff and added the following

make sure you add

using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

using System.Collections;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using UnityEngine;

using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

public class NavigateMenu : MonoBehaviour


public void SwitchScene(string sceneName)





Step 3: Activating Button

While having the button selected I pressed the "+" on the right panel to add a On Click() behviour

Then I added the button itself to the behaviour

Then I added NavigateMenu --> SwitchScene (String) to the function

Note: the Button will change to

Then I just typed in the name of the scene I wanted to go to

in this case "test

I then created another scene called "test" and followed the steps again to create a button to go back

Step 4: adding the scenes to a pool where unity can call them.

In File --> Build Settings

Make sure both scenes are added to the list